Letter from the President


Dear Friends,

“Winter is a time of regeneration,” writes Logan Nonfiction Fellow Bernd Brunner.

“Winter can mean different things, depending on where you are,” Bernd continues. Here at the Carey Institute, as soft, silent flurries cloak and insulate our campus, winter is also a time of rest, reflection and recreation.

Yet work continues.

Winter means that our fall Logan Nonfiction Fellows are feverishly working, finishing manuscripts and finalizing edits, huddling with their colleagues for support, advice and encouragement. It means that refugee educators worldwide are finishing up their grading before winter break and are preparing to become students themselves, to be certified in teaching some of our most vulnerable learners through our Refugee Educator Academy.

Indeed, at the Carey Institute, winter marks a time for new beginnings and opportunities. We have reached several milestones over the past twelve months, including the launch of our Refugee Educator Academy, the opening of our new Tap Room on Main Street and have had more works published by Logan fellows than ever before.

There is so much to look forward to in 2019, as we watch our Center for Learning in Practice expand its reach to four continents and welcome journalists worldwide to a convening next April to examine the impact of nonprofit journalism. None of this is possible without the support of our partners, participants and donors. I extend my gratitude to all, near and far, who have helped us to make 2018 a successful year and look forward to continuing this partnership into 2019 and beyond.

Wishing you all a peaceful and prosperous new year!

Happy holidays, 

Gareth Crawford, President & CEO