**Coronavirus Update**

Dear Friends,

These are extraordinary and challenging times. The Carey Institute takes its responsibility to our staff, our guests and our community seriously. As such we are taking the coronavirus seriously.

With an abundance of caution, in early March, we took a number of pre-emptive steps to limit the potential impact of the virus.

These included:

  • Instructing non-essential staff to work from home.
  • Rigorously implementing CDC protocols on handwashing and hygiene.
  • Cancelling our public events.
  • Postponing the next class of our Logan Nonfiction Fellows who were scheduled to arrive in late March.

Subsequent bans on events and meetings by the CDC and New York State have shown we were right to take these steps.

As one of the biggest employers in the community, the ban on events, meetings and gatherings will likely have a significant impact on our business, and thus our staff and the wider community.

We are considering all the ways we can respond positively to the COVID-19 crisis. Our Center for Learning in Practice (CLiP) is aptly positioned to support remote and distance learning. The CLiP team are putting plans together to support learning in emergencies and have already scheduled informational webinars on how to move learning online.

This is a worrying time for all of us. The situation is unprecedented. However, it is such times of uncertainty that bring out the best of us. I am immensely proud of how our staff have responded to the crisis so far.

We will continue to monitor the situation as it unfolds. Thank for your patience, understanding and support at this time.

Stay safe.


Best wishes,

CEO signature

Gareth Crawford